Product life cycle
Materials, production, transport, use and recycling. Throughout the entire product life cycle, Troldtekt places emphasis on optimising resource consumption and processes with consideration for people and the environment.

Circular products are the foundation of our Cradle to Cradle business strategy. And new optimisations are continuously added to each of the five stages of the Troldtekt panel's life cycle.
On this page, you can read about each of the stages. See also how our actions align with the Cradle to Cradle criteria and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In the film, you can take a tour of our production facilities. See how we produce Troldtekt acoustic panels based on the Cradle to Cradle principles.

More on the topic

Troldtekt acoustic panels are made from wood and cement. At Troldtekt, we only use FSC® (FSC®C115450) and PEFC (PEFC/09-31-030) certified wood.

We have invested heavily in technology at the factory in Troldhede. This has ensured lower energy consumption as well as an improved working environment.

Although transport is a relatively small part of our environmental impact, we have a strong focus on minimising emissions from transport.

At Troldtekt, we want to contribute to acoustic comfort and a chemical-free indoor climate in buildings.

Troldtekt is committed to recycling – both of our own production waste and of end-of-life acoustic panels from buildings.