Painting of Troldtekt® acoustic panels
When painting Troldtekt acoustic panels, the process depends on whether you are painting untreated natural wood panels or factory pre-painted Troldtekt panels. Even more important is your choice of paint type and colour.
For factory pre-painted Troldtekt panels, use a waterbased acrylic paint. The composition of the new paint must be compatible with the existing paint; in other words, it must be of the same quality and type in relation to specification and suitability.
Only use paint types which have been tested for hazardous substances.
Troldtekt has the following recommendations regarding the different panel types:
1. White paint on factory pre-painted Troldtekt panels
Recommended paint type: Waterbased acrylic paint
Coverage: Approx. 350 g/m² in a single coat
2. Other colours on Troldtekt factory pre-painted panels
Recommended paint type: Waterbased acrylic paint
Coverage: Approx. 350 g/m² in a single coat
If the new paint is being used to cover a contrast colour, it may be necessary to apply more paint.
3. White paint on untreated Troldtekt natural wood panels
Recommended paint type: Waterbased acrylic paint
Coverage: Approx. 525 g/m² in two coats
4. Other colours on untreated Troldtekt natural wood panels
Recommended paint type: Waterbased acrylic paint
Coverage: Approx. 525 g/m² min. two coats
Painting instructions

Touch up paint
To cover scratches resulting from installation etc., we recommend Troldtekt touch-up paint, which is supplied in the standard Troldtekt colours white 101, grey 202, grey 208 and black 207. The following standard Troldtekt colours are also available in a plastic container (750 ml): white 101, grey 202, grey 208, black 207 and clay 210.
Moreover, special colours are available in plastic bottles (750 ml) in connection with ordering Troldtekt panels painted in the same special colour. If you have cut Troldtekt panels to size or cut a bevel edge, you may need to order slightly more touch-up paint. Touch-up paint in 2.5-litre pots is available in the standard colours white 101, grey 202, grey 208, black 207 and clay 210. When ordering Troldtekt panels in special colours, it is possible to order 2.5-litre pots of touch-up paint in the same colour.