Eura in an aura of colours
Eura is located in western Finland. The area is one of the most distinguished places in Finland in terms of prehistoric findings and archaeological remains. Now the region also has a new, colourful swimming and sports centre.

Designed by the architectural practice of Heino & Niirainen, its simple white and beige coloured rectangular blocks are very different to the character of its interior. On entering, the visitor is welcomed by the cacophony of bright colours which pervade the building and provide a warmth in the often dark days of winter and relief from the somewhat bleak, often snow filled landscape.
Noise in sports and leisure centres can suffer from the exaggerated echoes from both spectators and participants reflected off hard wall and floor surfaces. Here the architects have solved that problem and created pleasant acoustics by the extensive use of Troldtekt ultrafine panels on the ceilings and the walls of the main activity rooms, in the corridors and circulation areas and even on the underside of the wide projecting eaves which provide cover and protection around the exterior.
The most dramatic space is the swimming pool which has a ribbed ceiling, with acoustic panels between the ribs, linking a multi-coloured wall of Troldekt panels on one side and a full height glazed view of the landscape on the other. The ribbed ceiling and acoustic panel theme is continued in the entrance hall which is dramatically coloured in red and in the dining area where blue dominates. In addition, the bowling alley has Troldtekt acoustic ceilings and more highly coloured Troldtekt acoustic panel walls.
This very successful project is typically Finnish with its simplicity and clever use of colour and fine details. Its architecture complements the area which is also well-known for its many buildings designed by Finland’s leading architect and designer Alvar Aalto.