Multi purpose cultural centres

A number of new multi-purpose cultural centres have seen the light of day in Denmark in recent years. In large towns and villages, the buildings serve as informal meeting places, bringing together the local community for activities ranging from sport and meals to salsa and yoga.

The theme articles reveal a researcher’s and an architect’s thoughts on the community centres of the future. Also, take a look at successful multi-purpose cultural centres that infuse both towns and villages with life while supporting the local sense of community. For example, the transformed Nr. Vium Sports and Cultural Centre in Denmark.

You can also see how Troldtekt helps to create the right atmosphere in these often high-ceilinged buildings – both literally and figuratively.

Read more here:

Theme overview

With our Troldtekt themes we continually bring focus to topical trends within the fields of acoustics, indoor climate, architecture and certified building.